Texas: Black-capped Vireo & Golden-cheeked Warbler 2025

4 Days
  • 3 to 7 participants
  • No meals
  • Austin-Bergstrom Int. Airport (AUS)
  • Austin-Bergstrom Int. Airport (AUS)
  • Van
  • Standard motels, all ensuite and comfortable.

Description of Texas: Black-capped Vireo & Golden-cheeked Warbler 2025

Pack your cowboy hat and binoculars and join this long-weekend tour targeting Golden-cheeked Warbler and Black-capped Vireo in the Texas Hill Country! These handsome songbirds are two of the most range-restricted birds in North America, and the beautiful oak-juniper habitat of central Texas is the only place in the World where the two species breed – just outside the thriving capital city of Austin!

North America is famous for its incredible diversity of nearly 50 wood-warbler species. Most of these colorful songsters breed in the extensive boreal forests of the northern US and Canada. Not to be outdone, Texas has its own species who’s breeding range is entirely encompassed by the Lone Star State! The rare and endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler breeds in old-growth Ashe Juniper exclusively in Texas, and migrates to the pine-oak forests in the mountains of Guatemala. Already confined by strict habitat preferences, their population has declined dramatically due to extensive habitat loss throughout the breeding and wintering ranges.

New Mexico, Oklahoma, and (primarily) Texas are also the breeding grounds for the rare Black-capped Vireo. This small, handsome vireo was removed from the Endangered Species List in 2018 thanks to intensive conservation efforts throughout Texas. Dense, arid scrubland provides the breeding habitat for these vireos, and they spend the winter months on the Pacific coast of Mexico. For both of these rare songbirds, the heavy land-clearing for both firewood and cattle ranching has steadily chipped away at their favored habitats. More cows means more cowbirds, and both the vireo and warbler are heavily affected by cowbird nest parasitism.

During this 4-day tour, we will visit several reliable locations to see these two target specialties and learn more about their unique habitats, ecosystems, and conservation concerns. This tour also coincides with the peak of spring migration through Texas, and we will see dozens of other beautiful species during the weekend. Scott’s, Orchard, Baltimore, and Bullock’s Orioles are all possible, plus songbird stunners like Painted, Indigo, and Varied Buntings! Zone-tailed Hawk and “Fuerte’s” Red-tailed Hawks hunt the desert scrub, while Swainson’s Hawks and Mississippi Kites may be migrating high overhead! Hornsby Bend can host 15+ shorebird species and many lingering waterfowl species. Sharp desert sparrows like Cassin’s, Rufous-crowned, Black-throated, and Clay-colored highlight a long list of sparrows likely to be encountered. Scissor-tailed Flycatchers will be seen by the dozens! At the beautifully scenic Lost Maples area we’ve also had good luck finding Tropical Parula in recent years in addition to Inca Dove, White-tipped Dove, Acadian Flycatcher, Black-crested Titmouse, Scott’s Oriole, and various migrant warblers!

If those birding opportunities weren’t enough, we will also visit the Congress Avenue Bridge in downtown Austin where just after sunset we can watch as 1.5 million Mexican Free-tailed Bats emerge from their roost and set out for the night! This is the World’s largest urban bat roost and worth a visit to Austin in its own right. Overall this is a really solid trip with ~150 bird species possible in 4 days, and nearly guaranteed views of our two target songbirds!

Want more time to explore Texas in spring? Combine this short target tour with our weeklong TEXAS: Rio Grande Valley in Spring for 10 days of incredible spring birding! This combo can total 250+ species!

Highlights of Texas: Black-capped Vireo & Golden-cheeked Warbler 2025

  • 4-day/3-night short trip for target species
  • Golden-cheeked Warbler & Black-capped Vireo
  • Beautiful Texas Hill Country
  • Peak of spring migration, with ~150 bird species possible!
  • Watch 1 million bats leave their roost in downtown Austin!
  • Extension to our ‘Rio Grande Valley in Spring’ tour

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Texas: Black-capped Vireo & Golden-cheeked Warbler 2025
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