California: Ultimate SoCal Birding Adventure 2025

13 Days
  • 3 to 7 participants
  • No meals
  • San Diego Int. Airport (SAN)
  • San Diego Int. Airport (SAN)
  • Van
  • Standard motels

Description of California: Ultimate SoCal Birding Adventure 2025

The Mediterranean climate of Southern California is especially appealing during the dead of winter when most of the continent is locked into cold, dreary conditions day after day. Toss in an incredible abundance of birds and a large number of regional specialties, and the wintertime birding around SoCal is hard to beat! This January tour makes the ultimate loop around the region, covering all the top birding destinations and kicking your year list off right – easily over 200 species can be expected!

Christmas Bird Counts in Los Angeles and San Diego are the most species-rich in the country, and with good reason – a huge numbers of waterfowl, shorebirds, gulls, warblers, and raptors winter here and the regional residents are also in good supply; many of which are beginning to sing and set up breeding territories! Over 20 regional specialties are completely or nearly endemic to Southern California and we will be searching for each of them. This list includes Ridgway’s Rail, Black Oystercatcher, Allen’s Hummingbird, Bell’s Sparrow, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Wrentit, Oak Titmouse, Nuttall’s Woodpecker, Mountain Quail, Tricolored Blackbird, and Golden-crowned Sparrow. And of course all 7 bird species named for ‘California’ are top targets of this trip; California Gull, California Gnatcatcher, California Towhee, California Thrasher, California Quail, California Scrub-Jay, and the stunning California Condor! This whirlwind tour of Southern California really is the ultimate birding adventure and the perfect winter escape!

We begin and end in San Diego, making a clockwise circuit around the 8-county region over the course of 12 days. The length of this tour allows us to thoroughly bird the whole area at a comfortable pace. We’ll explore urban parks, chaparral hillsides, and coastal lagoons around San Diego Bay for a long list of target species. Next we’ll travel north up the coast to wind our way through the urban streets of Los Angeles looking for introduced (and countable!) exotics and wintering songbirds. The coastline varies from sandy beaches with Whimbrel and Snowy Plovers, to saltmarsh estuaries with Ridgway’s Rails and Reddish Egrets, to stunning seaside cliffs where Wandering Tattler hide in the rocks and Brown Pelicans soar along the updrafts! You won’t believe how the scenery changes from one hour to the next, and you never know what birds might pop up around the corner!

A full day is dedicated to venturing out to Santa Cruz Island to track down the endemic Island Scrub-Jay and Island Fox with seabirding potential en route! We’ll climb high into the mountains to scan for California Condors from scenic vistas, then jump over to the high-desert scrub of the Antelope Valley where LeConte’s Thrasher, Mountain Plover, and Ferruginous Hawks can be found. Winding through chaparral hills into pine-oak mountains at 5,000ft high in the San Bernardino Mountains we will look for White-headed Woodpeckers, Band-tailed Pigeons, and Pygmy Nuthatches. From there we’ll drop into the vast Mojave Desert and down to 230 *below* sea-level as we circle the famous Salton Sea where thousands of ducks, grebes, and other waterbirds spend the winter months. Desert specialties like Costa’s Hummingbird, Black-throated Sparrow, Crissal Thrasher, Gambel’s Quail, and Greater Roadrunner are major targets here. On our way back over the coastal range toward San Diego we explore oak-savannah hill country for Golden Eagles and Lewis’s Woodpeckers. By the end of the 12 days we should rack up a really great list of well over 200 bird species and share a ton of great memories!

Highlights of California: Ultimate SoCal Birding Adventure 2025

  • 200+ species to kick off the New Year!
  • 20+ regional specialties, and all 7 ‘California’ birds!
  • SoCal coast, San Bernardino Mtns, Salton Sea & Mojave Desert
  • Beautiful weather, stunning scenery!
  • Island Scrub-Jay, California Condor & so much more!

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

California: Ultimate SoCal Birding Adventure 2025
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